Netdisco Appliance

What is Netdisco?
Netdisco is an Open Source web-based network management tool.

What is this appliance?
A pre-built vmware virtual machine running Netdisco. Sourceforge Download

What do I need to run the appliance?
Vmware player or any other of the vmware products that host virtual machines.

Install Instructions:

All passwords are netdisco, check the netdisco.conf and netdisco_apache.conf if you want to change the db password.

Update /etc/rc.conf to customize network settings (enable sendmail if you need system notifications). At the minimum, you need an IP address, DHCP is good for testing, but a static is recommended. Here is an overview of rc.conf, network_interfaces has details on the configuration, and you need defaultrouter. If going with a static, also update /etc/resolv.conf for dns settings and /etc/hosts could be updated as well.

Update the settings in /usr/local/netdisco/netdisco.conf, specifically snmp strings.

The webgui user is named admin. (Optional) Add a user to the Netdisco application that will be the administrator account. (step 9.4)
/usr/local/netdisco/netdisco -u joebob

start at step 12 in the Install document :


change passwords for root, admin, netdisco, netdisco user on database (named netdisco)

Need more info?

The Netdisco users mailing list is a great place to start.

Or you can email me: wokka at wokka dot org.

Netdisco Users mailing list

Content © 2003-2014 Charles Goldsmith /